Thursday, January 9, 2014

MCPatcher HD Fix Mod for Minecraft 1.7.4 and 1.6.4


MCPatcher HD Fix for Minecraft 1.7.4 Usage

The mcpatcher program is very straight forward to use. However, when installing mods or texture packs it is still required that you download and install the mod and its required mod beforehand, such as modloader. Also,  it is highly recommended that you still keep a backup of your game before attempting to patch you game. Especially if you are a new comer to a patcher. If you are not experienced, it may be difficult to recover a broken jar and return it to normal condition. You have been warned, in saying this; I doubt a player using this program could wreck their game so badly, the program is safe and will almost undoubtedly not screw up your game.

MCPatcher HD Fix Version 4.3.1_01 for Minecraft 1.7.4 Changelogs

  • Support for Minecraft 1.7.4
  • Added biome palette format.
  • Now support FML standalone.
  • Supports 1.7.3 Snapshot Versions

How to Install MCPatcher HD Fix 4.3.1_01 for Minecraft 1.7.4

  1. Download MCPatcher HD Fix for Minecraft 1.7.4
  1. Run the patcher
  2. Check the options that listed in the white box
  3. Click Patch
  4. Run Minecraft
  5. Go to Mods and Texture Packs
  6. There should be nothing there because you didn’t put any texture packs in texture packs folder in minecraft folder yet
  7. Try to put one, and re-open Minecraft
  8. Enjoy! hundreds of minecraft texture packs that you can download from minecraft texture packs page